We got in a few REALLY nice pre-owned record collections over the past week or so.
We got in a few REALLY nice pre-owned record collections over the past week or so. Classic rock, `60`s pop, `80`s alternative, jazz…and all other kinds! The bins are full!
ALSO, purchased a fabulous used CD collection. Over 1000 cds! Classic rock, pop, blues, jazz, compilations.
Stop by and have a look!!
Just finished putting out a nice collection of 400 records from the 1960s-1980s.
Just finished putting out a nice collection of 400 records from the 1960s-1980s. Around 75 of which were STILL SEALED 1980s pressings of classic rock titles (`60`s & `70`s reissues, plus still sealed releases from the mid-late `80`s). Stop by and have a look!
DEAD KENNEDYS METROPLEX original poster insert.
Here`s something cool from the 1980`s Atlanta punk scene. This is an original poster insert that came in the December 1985 issue of the local alternative music magazine “Muzik”. Poster / photo is from the November 23, 1985 DEAD KENNEDYS concert at the downtown METROPLEX (epicenter of the `80`s Atlanta punk / hardcore scene). Comes nicely framed under glass. **Thanks to Todd Ploharski for background info.
Poster measures 14″ x 20″
Glass frame measures 23″ x 29″